Have you seen Jesus?
I can't say I have.
But I know someone who has!
His name is Isaiah. He is my son.
And he is only four!
Let me give you a really quick refresher before I go into the juicy details.
Last August Isaiah was admitted to Children's Hospital in Minneapolis with HUS, a complication associated with E Coli. He was intibated for six days and had a total stay in the hospital of 30 days. Thankfully we were fortunate enough to be able to take Isaiah home with us and today he is an average four year old with energy to burn. We knew he was a sick little boy, but apparently never realized how close we were to....JESUS!!
So, today, Isaiah and his mom and brother went swimming at his aunt Sissy's house. A fun filled day of swimming in the pool and running around the yard on a 90 degree day. The day was just like any other. And the hospital stay 10 months ago was the furthest thing from any one's mind.
Well, on the way home from Sissy's house Isaiah asked Anne, his mom, if the Easter Bunny was real.
She replied, "of course the Easter Bunny is real, why?"
He proceeded that at T-ball last night some of the other kids had told him the Easter Bunny was not real and that he still thought it was. Anne agreed and his beliefs were confirmed.
He proceeded that at T-ball last night some of the other kids had told him the Easter Bunny was not real and that he still thought it was. Anne agreed and his beliefs were confirmed.
Then came the deepest question you can imagine a four year old to ask.
"Mom, do you think Jesus is real?"
To which Anne replied, "Of course he real? What do you think?"
To which Anne replied, "Of course he real? What do you think?"
The rest of this story is unbelievable. 100% true and amazing!
When posed with the question that was shot right back at him Isaiah didn't even hesitate.
He simply said, "Yes, Jesus is real. He was on my bed when I was in Minneapolis. He told me that I was safe and that he would always be around me."
Wow, was all Anne could think. Speechless at this point she managed to squeak out, "Did he tell you anything else?"
"Yes, He told me that I needed to go play with my friends some more!"
What can you possibly say to that?
Is there anything that proves that Jesus was right there with my little man more than that?
How can you argue the reality of Jesus being with us while we were in that hospital?
Isaiah is a pretty creative little four year old but would not be able to imagine a scenario like this.
I believe his story 100%.
However, it gives me chills to know that Jesus was really there talking to him and telling him to go play some more.
What does that mean?
Were we really that close to losing him? Was his body telling him that it couldn't fight anymore but something greater came and said "Yes, Go be a kid, you have so much more to do!"
The thought of it scares me. It brings me to my knees. It gives goosebumps all over my body.
It is a true story.
It is from the mouth of a four year old.
It is Jesus at his finest.
Thank you Jesus for the gift of allowing my son to play with his friends for a while longer. For allowing him to come back to his family and bring joy to all of us again. For allowing me and his mother the opportunity to watch him grow and help him become a faithful follower of your word. Thank you Jesus!!
Seeing Jesus is REAL!!!
The thought of it scares me. It brings me to my knees. It gives goosebumps all over my body.
It is a true story.
It is from the mouth of a four year old.
It is Jesus at his finest.
Thank you Jesus for the gift of allowing my son to play with his friends for a while longer. For allowing him to come back to his family and bring joy to all of us again. For allowing me and his mother the opportunity to watch him grow and help him become a faithful follower of your word. Thank you Jesus!!
Seeing Jesus is REAL!!!
Thanking God with you. Out of the mouths of babes....I believe.
ReplyDeletei have nothing to say about this, SPEACHLESS!
We did feel HIS presence in the doctors and nurses, but only Isaiah was blessed enough to really see the face of HIM. We saw HIS servants, he saw HIS face. There is a song we sing at Cursillo.Have you seen Jesus my Lord, He's here in plain view, Take a look open your eyes, He's waiting for you. Maybe children's eyes are opened to more miracles than us and they see what we wish we could. Good story Jon as always. Mom
ReplyDeleteWow! That is amazing. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless Jon!!
ReplyDeleteWe know how you are feeling with our Ian, and the power of prayer, God, and his presence here on Earth!
Take care!! Rob Keisacker
WOW! Think I also know that Jesus is real.
ReplyDeleteWhen you told me about this yesterday, I also thought WOW! I also know without a doubt, God was and still is there!
ReplyDeletePapa T
Isaiah has the name of a prophet ... and the eyes of one, too.
ReplyDeleteIn awe over God's faithfulness -- and his gift of healing.
What an awesome testimony he has to share! Thank you for sharing that.
ReplyDeleteOh, I believe it! He's closest to us when we need Him the most. Don't ever doubt it. Praise Him!